Cancellation Policy of Tamilnadu Maha Sourashtra Sabha
Effective From 18/05/2023
You cannot unsubscribe or terminate any subscribed/active plans for any reason. Also, the payments made by members by the way of registration / membership / renewal fee / auto renewal is / are treated as non-refundable.
Refund Policy of Tamilnadu Maha Sourashtra Sabha
Effective From 18/05/2023
As we do not support any kind of cancellation any amount paid by members are considered as non-refundable.
We use third party system as Payment gateway. So, if any issue / problem during payment and if the amount got debited but not credited to us, then the amount will be refuned within 5-7 business days.If any dispute arises, please contact our administrators or visit our offices mentioned in Contact Us page.